"Pupils feel safe at school. They said that this is because of the high level of care provided by staff. Pupils feel that they can approach staff with any concerns that they have. OFSTED"
Learning & Curriculum



The School of Excellence award is the highest level of achievement in the Thrive Ambassador Schools programme.  It is awarded to schools and settings that have achieved Ambassador School status in all five areas listed above and is a benchmark of all-round excellence for schools that have embedded the Thrive Approach.

Excellence Award - A school that can demonstrate its power and effectiveness in transforming the life chances of local children and in enriching the local community. It has likely had challenges and tackled them creatively and constructively.

The Primary Geography Quality Mark is a prestigious award which recognises and promotes quality and progress in geography leadership, curriculum development and teaching and learning in schools, and recognises the high standard of geographical teaching and learning across our school. The Primary Geography Quality Mark raises the profile of geography across the whole school community, with parents./carers, teachers, governors and children, and provides impactful and rigorous professional development alongside external validation of the quality of curriculum.

Primary Science Quality Mark (PQSM) is a year long CPD programme that helps schools to achieve a quality mark. It focuses on developing effective, confident science leadership for whole school impact on science teaching and learning. The Primary Science Quality Mark enables science subject leaders to develop and articulate a clear intent and aspirational vision for science. The process of achieving a PQSM raises the profile and quality of science across the whole school. PQSM also ensures strong and positive impact; children make good progress, building and consolidating their knowledge and skills, developing positive attitudes about science and its value to their lives and globally.

The School Games Mark is a Government led award that focuses on recognising schools who show commitment to physical competitions across the school and the wider community. At Masefield, children from a range of year groups have the opportunity to attend competitions, both those within school and with other schools across our cluster, covering a wide range of sports.

The Naace Mark is the award for schools which are committed to excellence in using technology to support teaching and learning, and to improve overall effectiveness and efficiency across the school. This award provides external validation of our school’s technology strategy across the curriculum.

Masefield holds the Silver status for Artsmark. Artsmark is Arts Council England’s flagship programme to enable schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their arts and cultural provision.

Winner of the Bolton News Primary School of the Year Award

The ‘National Online Safety’ Certified School accreditation supports schools to implement an effective, whole school community approach to online safety, encompassing high-quality CPD for all staff, parents and governors to meet the statutory online safety duties in the ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ guidance and align to ‘Education for a Connected World’.

Healthy Schools Plus is a national health promotion programme which aims to embed good practice around health issues in schools and to give children and young people the best possible opportunity to develop positive healthy behaviours. At Masefield, we have achieved the Healthy Schools Plus Award for our additional work with parents on healthy relationships.


School has shown that we have explicitly adopted a child’s rights approach based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and have embedded it in school policy, practice and culture. The children in school can show they have a thorough understanding of the rights respecting attitudes, language and they are embedded across the school. Our children see themselves as rights respecting global citizens and are advocates for social justice, fairness and children’s rights at home and abroad.

School is a White Rose Maths Accredited CPD Host School. It can deliver White Rose training and CPD.

School is a Learning By Questions Ambassador. It is the first ambassador school ever created. School delivers CPD to staff across the country and runs nationwide webinars.

School is a Matilda the Musical Champion School for outstanding arts.

School is working with the NCETM. The maths lead is a Maths Hub PD lead. The school has engaged in a number of programmes with the Turing Maths Hub over a long period of time.

Our school has demonstrated that we carefully plan our gardening projects throughout the year and our growing calender matches our life skills cookery timetable where the children cook with the fruit, vegetables and herbs thy grow themselves. Our children can use garden tools effectively and safely caring for their allotment. We have shown that we work within the wider community passing skills onto others.

Class Dojo school for communication and parental links.

Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.

Masefield is a member of Music Mark, which places the strongest possible focus on the impacts and outcomes of music education for children and young people, musically, personally, socially and educationally. Masefield dedicates a full lesson every week to music skills, with a range of specialist teachers, opportunities to learn music instruments and a wide range of extra-curricular music provision.

The Leading Parent Partnership Award focuses on the impact of parents on children’s learning. It recognises schools that have a commitment to parents as partners in education, and rewards work in induction, transition, communication, lifelong learning and enrichment activities.

The NACE Challenge Development Programme is designed to support school leaders who are uncompromising in their ambition to ensure more able learners achieve their potential, in the context of challenge for all.

Thrive Ambassador School with Excellence in Reparative

Thrive Ambassador School with Excellence in Relationship

Thrive Ambassador School with Excellence in Right Time

Thrive Ambassador School with Excellence in Environment

Thrive Ambassador School with Excellence in Leadership

The Royal Meteorological Society and Met Office are delighted to announce this new award to recognize excellence in weather teaching.

Bikeability is today's cycle training programme. It's about gaining practical skills and understanding how to cycle safely on today's roads.

This award focuses on changing the long-term culture of the whole school. Using an evidence-based framework to drive change, it will help you deliver staff and pupil wellbeing, review your staff training, and revise your policies. This award will ensure that mental health and wellbeing sit at the heart of your school life.

The Computing Quality Mark is awarded to schools who are able to show good practice in the Computing Quality Framework from the National Centre for Computing Education, along the British Computing Society. This award acknowledges and celebrates the high quality of our Computing provision across the whole school.

The History Quality Mark Gold is awarded to schools that demonstrate a relentless passion to ensure effective learning and achievement through inspiring teaching that engages all pupils consistently across the school.

We have a pet dog who reads with children each week.

The school is a partner with BWFC in the community. They deliver weekly provision along with specialist targeted programmes and interventions.

The school is an Eco School with Distinction.

The school is a strategic partner with Ambition Institute through the LearnwithFA1 North West Training Hub. The school supports ITT, ECT and NPQs. The school is a lead at delivering the NPQLT.