Learning & Curriculum

Eco School

At the beginning of each year the individual classes vote in their eco reps. Each class in Years 1-6 has one representative on the Eco Team.

Their role varies from promoting a healthier environment and ensuring the school is aware of recycling procedures to litter picking in school and the local community.

We are currently working towards the Eco Green Flag Award.  Eco-Schools is a seven step framework that thousands of schools around the world use to introduce, manage and complete environmental actions in their organisation and local community. We aim to place young people at the heart of these environmental actions. This approach engages, motivates and empowers children to care for our planet now and throughout their lifetimes.

When a school has worked through each of the Seven Steps, they can then apply for Eco-Schools Green Flag accreditation. The Eco-Schools Green Flag is international and recognised by organisations such as UNESCO. It is a symbol of a school’s commitment to environmental education.

We have completed our environmental review and with the help of our eco team, have selected three topics for us to focus on.  These are waste, litter and school grounds.

Energy high? Turn off the light!
Cans and bottles, recycle with might!
Own less stuff, borrow or trade,

Save the trees, plant a seed instead!

Crash the trash, keep the playground clean,
Oceans happy, a plastic-free scene!
Ditch the car, walk with a friend,
Earth thanks you, 'til the very end!