"Pupils feel safe at school. They said that this is because of the high level of care provided by staff. Pupils feel that they can approach staff with any concerns that they have. OFSTED"
Learning & Curriculum


At Masefield, PSHE is an integral part of our school life.  It is taught both explicitly through subject specific lessons and also through other lessons in an applied manner.

We see PSHE education as a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for life and work.

We know that our well-delivered PSHE programme will have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for our pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

We have designed our own progressive Programme of Study using the PSHE Association with the main aims to develop knowledge, skills and attributes including (but not limited to) resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking in the context of three core themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world (including economic wellbeing and aspects of careers education).

Our PSHE education contributes to schools' statutory duties outlined in the Education Act 2002 and the Academies Act 2010 to provide a balanced and broadly-based curriculum. The relationships and health aspects of PSHE education is compulsory from September 2020.

The final statutory guidance to accompany introduction of compulsory health education, relationships education and relationships and sex education (RSE) can be found here.

PSHE Policy

PSHE Curriculum

More information on our 'Character Curriculum can be found here

More information on our 'Core Values' can be found here

More information regarding 'SMSC' can be found here

An example of our 'Vision and Value Journey' can be found here


Below is an example knowledge organiser from each year group for PSHE:

Y1: Be Yourself

Y2: Rights Respecting

Y3: Be Yourself

Y4: Rights Respecting

Y5: Be Yourself

Y6: Rights Respecting

These are sent home each half term as part of the curriculum overviews.

*EYFS Knowledge Organisers be found in the EYFS tab*

Our Award Winning Provision for PSHE

Achieved 2024
We are a Thrive School of Excellence

The School of Excellence award is the highest level of achievement in the Thrive Ambassador Schools programme.  It is awarded to schools and settings that have achieved Ambassador School status in all five areas listed above and is a benchmark of all-round excellence for schools that have embedded the Thrive Approach.

Since Sept 2021
Thrive helps children and young people feel safe, supported and ready to learn. Thrive offers a whole-setting approach to supporting the right-time social and emotional development of all children and young people.
Renewed Sept 2022


Since Sept 2023

Masefield is a Thrive Ambassador School with Excellence in Leadership, Relationship, Environment, Right Time and Reparative.

More details about Thrive can be found in the 'Mental Health & Wellbeing Tab'

PSHE Curriculum

Personal, Social, Health and Relationships Education is an integral part of our Masefield curriculum. Our ambition is that our curriculum supports our children in becoming the best possible versions of themselves, so that they are able to feel good and function well, whilst developing strong emotional and mental health. Our focus is on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and adults. We strive to ensure that our children are equipped with the ability to build resilience and embrace opportunities.

Celebrating our differences is something we do on a daily basis at Masefield. We recognise that each and every family we have in our school is different. Educating our whole community about our differences ensures that those who form part of our Masefield family feel safe, supported and understood.

We pride ourselves on teaching our children, including all our disadvantaged and special educational needs children, with the life skills that they will need for the future and equipping them with the knowledge to make informed decisions to keep themselves healthy, safe and become valued citizens in our community.

At Masefield, we enhance our PSHE curriculum with relatable fiction and non-fiction books. These books are included on the curriculum overview and are used alongside the delivery of the theme by being shared and discussed with the children about how they can relate to them from their own lives.

High quality texts underpinning our PSHE curriculum

We use high quality, recommended texts to illustrate different aspects of PSHE and to allow children to explore these issues within the safe and familiar context of stories.

Promoting the Protected Characteristics at Masefield

We work to ensure that our children understand that:

There are no outsiders at Masefield

Everyone is different

We celebrate our differences

We are all equal in our differences

The Equality Act became law in 2010. It covers everyone in Britain and protects people from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Everyone in Britain is protected. This is because the Equality Act protects people against discrimination because of the protected characteristics that we all have. Under the Equality Act, there are nine Protected Characteristics:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Marriage or civil partnership
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Pregnancy and maternity

At Masefield, we actively promote these in our curriculum and work to embed them into our ethos.

Under the Equality Act you are protected from discrimination:

  • When you are in the workplace
  • When you use public services like healthcare (for example, visiting your doctor or local hospital) or education (for example, at your school or college)
  • When you use businesses and other organisations that provide services and goods (like shops, restaurants, and cinemas)
  • When you use transport
  • When you join a club or association (for example, your local rugby club)
  • When you have contact with public bodies like your local council or government departments


Protected characteristics are linked to every PSHE unit taught each half term in class. These can be seen on the PSHE curriculum document.

The 9 Protected Characteristics are actively promoted at Masefield through:

  • Our school vision and ethos statements and our SDP.
  • Our school core values

Our core values, specifically the values of respect for everyone around you, and diversity, appreciating and celebrating the differences and similarities between us.

  • Our school behaviour policy
  • Conscious role modelling by all adults in the school community
  • Active engagement and communication with parents and carers
  • Assemblies
  • The promotion of British values in school life
  • Developing a love of reading through a range of authors and genres
  • Discussion within curriculum subjects, taking a cross-curricular approach Learning for life and RSE lessons, as well as taking the opportunity to model respect and positivity in all lessons.
  • Promoting articulation by building appropriate language and a coherent vocabulary
  • Religious Education (RE) lessons During their time at Masefield, children cover all the major world religion. These are taught with the understanding that we celebrate and respect all religions and their principles. Different aspects of Christianity are taught in each year at Masefield.
  • Sporting competitions both within school and outside of school, varied competitions are organised by our PE lead.
  • Art projects and visits
  • School Council
  • Educational experiences and visits
  • Real-life learning outside the classroom
  • Guest speakers
  • Developing links with the local community
  • Extra-curricular activities, after-school clubs, charity work and work within the local community
  • Safer recruitment, retention and staff development

We collect and analyse the following data to assess the impact of our Single Equality Policy. The data is recorded on our CPOMs system and the main areas we assess are:

  • Admissions
  • Attendance
  • Exclusions
  • Outcomes
  • Racial incidents
  • Bullying incidents
  • Homophobic incidents
  • Any other prejudice related incidents

Core Values (Virtues)

At Masefield, our PSHE Character curriculum is support by the development of Core Values (virtues). We emphasise the following 8 Core Values throughout the curriculum.

‘The aim of our studies is not just to know what virtue is, but to become good.’ Aristotle

More details can be found in the 'Mission & Aims' tab.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education


Please click on the guides below to find more about Relationship, Sex and Health Education in each year group. These booklets are sent out each year.

Relationships and Health Education Parent Leaflet - KS1

Relationships and Health Education Parent Leaflet - LKS2

Relationships and Health Education Parent Leaflet - UKS2

In October 2023, the government set out that schools can and should share curriculum materials with parents, in light of current concerns in relation to materials used to teach relationships, sex and health education (RSHE). You can find the resource we use for each year group below: