Our School


Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages as well as inspecting and regulating services that care for children and young people.

Masefield Primary School, as a previously ‘good’ school, received an ungraded inspection on 11th and 12th July 2024.

This meant that the overall grade could not be changed. The inspector, Claire Cropper HMI, spent two days in school, reviewing evidence from: meetings with school leaders, staff, children, governors and our School Improvement Partner; parents/carers questionnaires; lesson visits; work scrutiny and review of other school documentation.

We are delighted to share that the Ofsted report confirms OUTCOME 2 for Masefield Primary School. This is outlined in the paragraph at the start of the report, under the heading ‘Outcome’.

This means that although the overall previous grade of ‘good’ cannot be changed, there was enough evidence that had the school received a graded inspection, it would have been judged as OUTSTANDING.


We are obviously thrilled with this outcome and the report. As school leaders, we have internally evaluated Masefield Primary School as ‘outstanding’ and we are pleased that this has been validated by Ofsted.

However, it is the content of the report, which we are most proud of. The report reflects the value we place on our Masefield Family and the fact that our school motto, ‘Believe – Achieve - Succeed’ is at the heart of everything we do. We feel incredibly fortunate to work with such incredible children and such talented and committed staff and governors. We also want to thank all our parents/carers and other family members for their ongoing support.

Highlights of the report include:

  • Pupils flourish at this happy and welcoming school. They are extremely well motivated to make the most of the wide range of opportunities on offer to them.

  • The school is highly ambitious for all pupils’ academic achievement. Pupils achieve exceptionally well.

  • Pupils are keen to embrace the ‘Masefield Way’. Their behaviour at breaktimes and as they move around the school is exemplary.

  • The school has an exceptionally well-designed and ambitious curriculum. Pupils develop a remarkable range of knowledge that prepares them extremely well for their next stages of education.

  • Pupils expertly build on what they have learned previously. Teachers swiftly and skilfully deal with any misconceptions or gaps in knowledge that pupils may have.

  • Teachers demonstrate high levels of expertise in making sure that the differing needs of pupils are carefully considered and addressed.

  • The school’s reading curriculum, including the phonics programme, is highly effective.

  • The school’s provision for pupils’ wider development is exceptional.

  • There are no areas for development recommended within this report.

So, as we were successful in being awarded the best possible outcome of an ‘ungraded’ inspection, this means that our next inspection will be within 1 to 2 years (not the usual 4 years) and will be a ‘graded’ inspection.

Thank you again for all your support, during the inspection and always. As you know, we want to be the very best for your children. If there is anything else we can do to improve, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. For now, we hope that you feel proud to be part of our Masefield Family. We certainly are.

The full report can be viewed below:
Ofsted Report

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