
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Masefield Primary School is a fully inclusive school with a clear approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) to ensure all pupils, regardless of their individual needs achieve their best and become confident individuals living a fulfilling life.

At Masefield we work hard to meet the individual needs of all and make reasonable adjustments to ensure that their needs are met, to give them access to all aspects of the schools life. We ensure pupils have access to a wide range of support services and agencies which operate internally and externally in school.

Support in school

  • All staff have training in Elklan, Working Memory, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and in other areas of Special Educational Needs

  • We have a Speech and Language Therapist who works in school across all age ranges

  • We work closely with Ladywood Outreach who offer advice, support and strategies for pupils in school

  • We work closely with behaviour support service

  • We have an Educational Psychologist who works to assess pupils in school should this be needed

  • We have a school nurse who works with families in school

  • We refer to any other outside agency e.g. Paediatrician, Occupational Therapy to help support our pupils in school

Our parent guides provide useful information but as always we encourage anyone with any questions to contact our school SENCO via the school office on 01204 333580 or

SEN information can be found here

Parent guide to EHCP

Parent guide to Transition

Parent guide to Professionals working with my child

Parent guide to Positive Praise

Parent guide to Supporting Speaking and listening

Parent guide to EYFS Inclusion Funding

Parent guide to The Early Help Process

Parent guide to BSCIP

What should I do if I think my child has a SEND?

If you have any concerns regarding any aspects of your child’s education, contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance. For further discussions, contact the schools SENCO- Mrs C Clark. If the concern is related to a medical issue you may with to speak to your child’s health visitor, the school Nurse or a Doctor.


How will I know how my child is doing in school? How will I be involved in discussions about, planning for, and involvement in, my child’s education?

At Masefield we believe parents should be fully informed about their child’s progress. Parents/ carers are invited to attend Parents Evenings throughout the year and we offer very much an open door policy to any concerns or issues they have in school. Parents also receive termly reports about their child’s progress and attainment in school. Any child who has an Educational Healthcare Plan have an annual review each year and the SENCO keeps parents fully informed with their child’s progress in school.


What support is there for my child’s overall wellbeing?


At Masefield the overall well- being of our children is of great importance. The school has a Designated Safeguarding Lead who is fully trained. The school has trained first aiders to deal with medical incidents. The school also has the ‘The Hive’ which supports all children in school through the Thrive Approach.


Outside of the school, where can I turn for advice and support? Where can I find local authority information about SEN needs?


Click here for the link to the Bolton Local Authority website.